49 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
John Feng
FMSudbury, MA
Group 1
9 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Drew Cullen
EPvNewcomb, NYHigh Peaks Motorsports
Doug Faust
FPvWebster, NY
John Feng
FPvSudbury, MA
profile photo
Michael Lawton
FPvHarvard, MAI don't know about that
profile photo
Eric Russell
FPvMebane, NCRound Tuit Racing
Steven Hirschtritt
GPvRobesonia, PA
Stephen Lehrman
GPvKatonah, NYna
profile photo
Tomas R. La Costa
CSvGladstone, NJSinclair
profile photo
Mack McCormack
CSvCraryville, NYLouvers Unlimited
Class totals: CSv: 2EPv: 1FPv: 4GPv: 2
Group 2
9 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Andrew Moore
CPvPittsburgh, PA
profile photo
Michael Kurtz
DPvMohnton, PAGood Parts Inc.
Dave Miller
DPvPottstown, PA
profile photo
Michael Spraggins
DPvSilver Spring, MD
profile photo
Kenny Williamson
DPvPensacola, FLB&W Autosport Valley GMC
Scott Janzen
EPvWyndmoor, PANA
profile photo
Michael Lawton
EPvHarvard, MAI don't know about that
profile photo
Mike Moore
EPvFairview, PA
Vic Schuster
DMKennett Square, PANone
Class totals: CPv: 1DM: 1DPv: 4EPv: 3
Group 3
15 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Jeff Barbour
HFMohnton, PA
profile photo
Matthew Barbour
HFReading, PASuixtil
Stewart Bartley
HFAlexandria, VA DominionLux Garages
David Cluett
HFBracebridge, ONTeam SNAFU
profile photo
Joseph Griffin
HFWinter Garden, FL
profile photo
Andrew Stein
HFRomulus, NY
James Van Deurzen
HFMazomanie, WI
profile photo
Storm Field
CFBoca Raton, FLJoisey Boyz Racing
profile photo
Leon Hodges-Austin
CFElkridge, MDRAC Engines, Sodalizio dela Freccia, Radial Tire Company
profile photo
Ira Nesbitt
CFDrexel Hill, PApowerslide motorsports
Daniel Pyanowski
CFNorth Canton, OHAutism Speaks
Gary Rutherford
Deek Scott
CFWexford, PADeek's Speed Shop
Jon Yaged
CFNew York, NY
profile photo
Robert L Albert
FFIrwin, PARB Environmental Consulting/Formula Ford Rescue
Class totals: CF: 7FF: 1HF: 7
Group 5
9 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Alan Costich
EPvRochester, NYTin Cup racing
Robert Black
TA2Groton, MA
Robert Brady
TA2Coatesville, PA
Robert Mocas
TA2Boston Heights, OH
Stephen Moulton
TA2Groton, MAHayseed Racing Services
profile photo
Colby Schindel
TA2Port St. Lucie, FL
profile photo
John Wood
TA2Sandwich, MASRDC
Matthew Brady
BSvWenham, MA
profile photo
Tomas R. La Costa
BSvGladstone, NJSInclair
Class totals: BSv: 2EPv: 1TA2: 6
Group 4 Big Bore Production - Split B
6 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Chris Homer
BPvWestbrook, MEGroundPounderz Racing
profile photo
George Ladyman
BPvSkillman, NJ
profile photo
John Jeffery
CPhBedford, MABad Dog Parts
profile photo
Krisjan Berzins
ITBAlexandria, VAKingstowne Lawn & Landscape
profile photo
Michael Dube
AShTewksbury, MA
James Glass
AShKingston, NY
Class totals: ASh: 2BPv: 2CPh: 1ITB: 1
12 entries
Control / Stewards
2 entries
Name Class Hometown
profile photo
Butch O'Connor
Control / StewardsSparta, NJ
profile photo
John Wood
Control / StewardsSandwich, MA
Technical Inspection
3 entries
Name Class Hometown
profile photo
Storm Field
TechBoca Raton, FL
profile photo
Joseph Griffin
TechWinter Garden, FL
profile photo
Andrew Moore
TechPittsburgh, PA
Driver Committee
6 entries
Name Class Hometown
profile photo
Leon Hodges-Austin
Driver CommitteeElkridge, MD
profile photo
John Jeffery
Driver CommitteeBedford, MA
profile photo
Mack McCormack
Driver CommitteeCraryville, NY
profile photo
Mike Moore
Driver CommitteeFairview, PA
profile photo
Eric Russell
Driver CommitteeMebane, NC
profile photo
Kenny Williamson
Driver CommitteePensacola, FL
PDEC Coordinator
1 entry
Name Class Hometown
profile photo
Dennis Austin
PDEC CoordinatorBrookeville, MD

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.