Entry List
68 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
Phillip Langeberg
CPvMcGaheysville, VA
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Andrew Moore
CPvPittsburgh, PA
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Kristen Poole
CPvNew Cumberland, PA
Henry Frye
DPvGreensboro , NCBeady Eye Vintage Triumph Racing Team, Eastern Division
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Michael Kurtz
DPvMohnton, PAGood Parts Inc.
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Bob Schaefer
DPvCanonsburg, PARiverLift Industries
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J.Richard Schnabel
DPvWaynesville, NCEast Tennessee Race Prep
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Michael Spraggins
DPvSilver Spring, MD
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Derek Sweger
DPvLoysville, PAAircooled Racing
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Robert White
DPvPalos Verdes Peninsula, CATeam Delane
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Kenny Williamson
DPvPensacola, FLB&W Autosport Valley GMC
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Jeff Bare
EPvWoodbridge, VA
Adolf Battifarano
EPvnewton, nLrace shop
TW Herren
EPvManassas, VApaddock inn
Scott Janzen
EPvWyndmoor, PANA
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Michael Lawton
EPvHarvard, MAI don't know about that
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Ed Mettelman
EPvSnowmass Village, CO
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Andrew Moore
EPvStroudsburg, PAFormer Glory Racing
Mark Wheatley
EPvNashua, NH
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John Johnson
FPvOxford, CT
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Peter Krause
FPvDurham, NCKrause & Associates LLC
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Scott Kreisler
FPvBoyertown, PA
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Eric Russell
FPvMebane, NCRound Tuit Racing
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William Bazley
GPvDuxbury, ma
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Todd Wetzel
GPvRichfield Springs, NY
David Dean
APhCatlett, VA
Ken Fitzgerald
BPhEldersburg, Md
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John Jeffery
CPhBedford, MABad Dog Parts
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Stephen c Hyatt
FPhChambersburg, PAHyatt Auto Racing Team
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Ryan Adkins
ITAMeridianville, AL
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David Bane
ITBBland, VA Skydusky Motorsports
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Christopher Johnson
ITBOxford, CT
Raymond Junkins
ITBHillsboro, VAKeepsake Farm Racking
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Thomas Leavy
ITBOceanport, NJJoisey Boyz Racing
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David Levinson
ITBPhiladelphia, PAN/A
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Craig Seifert
ITBOakdale, PAJagoff Racing
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Lisa Pollock
ITCKearneysville, WV
Gilbert Grable
TARidgely, MDGSBRacing
Mike Kincaid
TARising Sun, MD
Matthew Brady
TA2Wenham, MA
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Rich Hall
TA2Elkins, NH
Mike Kelley
TA2Fayetteville, PAEuropeanMotorsImportCenter/AutobahnAutoworx/MadMikeMotorsports/NewGermanPerformance
Paul Moorcones
TA2Highland, MDRadial Tire Company
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Colby Schindel
TA2Port St. Lucie, FL
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Matt Sturgeon
TA2Sterling, VAStraight A Performance, Autobahn Autoworx, Techtonics Tuning,Liquimoly
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Joe Teplitz
TA2Laughlintown, PA Press1Racing
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John Wood
TA2Sandwich, MASRDC
Mark Grimsley
BSvStafford, VAGrims Racing
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Brian Walsh
BSvJacksonville, FLDecal Shop / Racer Walsh Co
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Alec Schaefer
CSvCanonsburg, PA
Robert Brady
BShCoatesville, PA
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Erik Skibsrud
BSRRedondo Beach, CACanon
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Steve Konsin Sr.
VS2Roswell, GA
Larry Rossi
VS2west danville, VT
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Stefan Vapaa
HFHockessin, DESuixtil
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Mike Agnifilo
CFWoodbury, CTStonebridge Cryoscience
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Glenn Brooks
CFJackson, NJ
Jacob King
CFFranklinville, NJGrand Prix Legends, Thomson Laminations, Triple-T Cutting Tools, Dominion Title Services, VR4R
Max King
CFEgg Harbor Township, NJ
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Doug Meis
CFWinston Salem, NCTeam Escargot
Gary Rutherford
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Samuel M. Ryan
CFWhite Haven, PA
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Ron Beard
FFHockessin, DEBeard Instruments
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Joey Selmants
S2Stow, OHJH Bennett
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Dave McFarland
SRReading, PA
Steve McFarland
SRLancaster, PA
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Eli (Elena) Sharp
SRStroudsburg, PA
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Vincent Wieczorek
SRStroudsburg, PA
Class totals: APh: 1BPh: 1BSh: 1BSR: 1BSv: 2CF: 7CPh: 1CPv: 3CSv: 1DPv: 8EPv: 8FF: 1FPh: 1FPv: 4GPv: 2HF: 1ITA: 1ITB: 6ITC: 1S2: 1SR: 4TA: 2TA2: 8VS2: 2
21 entries
Name Class Hometown
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Jim Karamanis
AdminManassas, VA
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Ralph Pagington
AdminKearneysville, WV
Bernard Bradpiece
Control / StewardsAnnapolis, MD
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Tracy Hyatt
Control / StewardsChambersburg, pa
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Andrew Stein
Control / StewardsRomulus, NY
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Stefan Vapaa
InstructorHockessin, DE
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John Wood
InstructorSandwich, MA
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Vanessa Farret
GridSterling , VA
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Graham Taylor
Pace CarBrunswick, MD
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Eric Russell
RegistrationMebane, NC
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LeAnn Russell
RegistrationMebane, NC
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Peter Krause
SchoolDurham, NC
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Thomas Leavy
SchoolOceanport, NJ
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Mike Agnifilo
TechWoodbury, CT
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Andrew Moore
TechPittsburgh, PA
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Jeffrey Hutzelman
TimingPittsburgh, PA
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John Jeffery
Driver CommitteeBedford, MA
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Kenny Williamson
Driver CommitteePensacola, FL
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Travis Trussell
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Stephen c Hyatt
OtherChambersburg, PA
Cindy Wells
OtherAnnapolis, MD
Class totals: Admin: 2Control / Stewards: 3Driver Committee: 2Grid: 1Instructor: 2Media: 1Other: 2Pace Car: 1Registration: 2School: 2Tech: 2Timing: 1

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.