12th Annual Vintage Motorsports Festival
7 entries
# Name Class Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
profile photo
Drew Cullen
EPvNewcomb, NYHigh Peaks Motorsports
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Thomas Leavy
ITAOceanport, NJJoisey Boyz Racing
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Mack McCormack
CSvCraryville, NYLouvers Unlimited
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Storm Field
CFBoca Raton, FLJoisey Boyz Racing
Gary Rutherford
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George Harmuth
HRG - 1Poughkeepsie, NYDutchess Window Tinting
profile photo
John Jeffery
HRG - 4Bedford, MABad Dog Parts
Class totals: CF: 2CSv: 1EPv: 1HRG - 1: 1HRG - 4: 1ITA: 1
0 entries

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8 entries
Name Hometown
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Robert L Albert
Irwin, PA
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Drew Cullen
Newcomb, NY
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Storm Field
Boca Raton, FL
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Stephen c Hyatt
Chambersburg, PA
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Tracy Hyatt
Chambersburg, pa
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John Jeffery
Bedford, MA
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Mack McCormack
Craryville, NY
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Eric Russell
Mebane, NC

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.